Since 2018, across Leicestershire & Rutland, an average of 4 babies per year have died suddenly and unexpectedly in unsafe sleeping environments. These deaths are potentially preventable. Safer sleeping practices can reduce the risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and accidental suffocation.

This tool helps practitioners work with families to identify those who are at most risk, identify support needs, and develop a plan to reduce risks. It can be used as a basis for conversations about safer sleeping, and to reinforce safer sleeping messages. It can be used more than once, as family routines change over time.

Training Video - Safer sleeping for babies: the LLR Safer Sleeping Risk Assessment Tool


Lullaby Trust ABC of Safer Sleeping: At every sleep, placed on their Back in a Clear cot or sleep space.

The safest place for a baby to sleep is in a smoke-free environment, in the same room as their parent/carer, for at least the first six months of life. Babies should be placed on their back, with their feet at the foot of the sleep space, on a firm, flat clear surface. We cannot prevent every death, but there are lots of positive steps that can be taken together to reduce the risks.

Easy read card

The Lullaby Trust provide a 2-sided card giving key advice for reducing the risk of sudden infant death.

A single copy can be downloaded here.

If you want to purchase printed copies or download the card in another language, go to https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/professionals/publications/

Safer sleep for emergency situations Lullaby Trust leaflet

Fleeing from conflict or crisis means sleeping conditions will be unpredictable – the Lullaby Trust have adapted their safer sleep advice based on different sleeping situations:


Video Resources

The Lullaby Trust has produced several safer sleep videos.

All of their essential safer sleep information is in the video below.

Further video resources are available from https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/professionals/video-resources/

They include

- Safer Sleep for Babies (text free) for families with low literacy levels or who don't speak English

- How to co-sleep more safely

- Baby Check App

- Baby Summer Safety

- When your baby starts to roll

- What bedding does my baby need


Healthy Together 0-19 (Health Visiting and School Nursing)

Healthy Together Helpline 0300 300 3001


ChatHealth is a confidential, secure text messaging service with a public
health nurse, open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm excluding bank holidays.

Leicester City: text 07520 615 381

Leicestershire & Rutland: text 07520 615 382

The Perinatal Mental Health Service

The Perinatal Mental Health Service provides personalised and specialist care to people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland who have moderate to severe mental health problems during pregnancy, childbirth and up to 24 months following a child's birth (also known as the perinatal period).

Health for Under 5s

Support from trusted NHS professionals


Cry-Sis Helpline

The Cry-Sis Helpline provides support for parents with crying and sleepless babies. It is available 7 days a week, 9am - 10pm.

Further resources are available on the ICON webpage.

Substance Misuse Services

Turning Point

Smoking cessation/having a smoke-free home

QuitReady Leicestershire & Rutland

Live Well Leicester City

Domestic Abuse support

Domestic Abuse Advice and Services