LLR Child Death Review Processes

The purpose & process of Child Death Review in England is set out in the Children Act (2004) sections 16M & 16N, Chapter 6 of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, and Child Death Review Statutory & Operational Guidance England 2018.

LLR Processes for carrying out Child Death Reviews in line with statutory guidance are set out in the flowcharts below.

'Out-of-area' deaths

Where LLR CDOP is notified of the death of a child within LLR who is not usually resident in LLR, or is notified of the death of a child usually resident in LLR who has died outside of LLR, consideration as to which CDOP (area of residence versus area of death) will carry out the review will be made on a case-by-case basis, with discussion and agreement between the relevant Designated Doctors for Child Deaths, and a plan will be made at the outset for sharing of any learning arising from the review.