Safeguarding Adults in Leicestershire and Rutland
The Safeguarding Adults Board brings together organisations across Leicestershire and Rutland to oversee the multi-agency approach to safeguarding adults with care and support needs.
Safeguarding adults means helping adults at risk who need support from community care services to keep their independence, remain safe and exercise choice in their life. The Board partner agencies from the statutory, voluntary and independent sector come together to seek assurance that the persons thought to be at risk stay safe, are effectively safeguarded against abuse, neglect, discrimination, are treated with dignity and respect and enjoy a high quality of life.
Everyone can play an important part in safeguarding adults, by looking out for and seeking help for those who may be at risk of harm.

About Leicestershire & Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board (LRSAB)
Policies and Procedures
We provide current policies, procedures and guidance covering work in the area of safeguarding adults.
We provide leaflets and information related to safeguarding adults. These are free and available to download from the leaflets page.
Performance Management
We have a responsibility to monitor and assess how well agencies meet their responsibilities and work together. For more information, we have a Quality Assurance Framework Storyboard.
You can find out more in our Annual Report.
Quality Assurance Framework Storyboard (PDF, 380 Kb)
Voluntary and Independent Sector
We have developed strong links with the Voluntary and Independent Sector. We have a VCS Forum which also supports the Leicester City Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children Partnerships.
Click here to go to our Voluntary and Community Sector webpage with more information.
Independent Chair
The chair of the Leicestershire and Rutland SAB is Seona Douglas. You can contact Seona through the Safeguarding Partnerships Business Office.
Our newsletter Safeguarding Matters is available here.
Further Information
If you would like any further information on any of the above please contact the Safeguarding Partnerships Business Office.